Интересните растения на Беласица
Интересните растения на Беласица
Fairs and Festivals

Ano Poroia

  • 15th of August. Assumption of Mother of God. Procession of the icon. A five-day fair usually before the holiday with traditional music and dances.
  • 26th of October. St Demetrios fair.
  • St George fair (the exact date depends on Easter Holidays).


  • 21st of May. St Konstantinos and St Eleni fair. Horses riding and wrestling.
  • 21st of May, Barefoot dance on smouldering embers at the Feast of St. Constantinos and Eleni.


  • 21st of May. St Konstantinos and St Eleni fair. Barefoot dance on smouldering embers.
  • The Holy Spirit fair. (50 days after Easter). Horse racing and wrestling.


  • 14th of September. Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Neo Petritsi

  • 26th of October. St Demetrios fair.
  • 11th of November. St Minas fair – Ouzo fair. Free ouzo is offered to the visitors. Traditional music and dances.
  • Carnivals parade in February/March (depending on Easter).
  • St George fair (depending on Easter Holidays).
  • Youths Feast in June or July with music concerts usually with a duration of 3-4 days.
  • Neo Petritsi: Celebrating the Liberation Day of N. Petritsi on 25-27 June


  • 28th, 29th, 30th of June and 1st of July. Sts Peter and Paul fair. Traditional feast in the open theatre of the village.
Този сайт е разработен с финансовата подкрепа на Европейския съюз и Република България в рамките на проект "Маркетинг на дестинация за устойчив туризъм Беласица" (BG 2005/017-456.01-03), изпълнен от Пирински туристически форум в партньорство с Екологична асоциация "Планетум" – Струмица Изложените в него възгледи са на Пирински туристически форум и по никакъв начин не отразяват официалната позиция на Европейския съюз.
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