Интересните растения на Беласица
Интересните растения на Беласица

The prevailing climate in the area is characterized as semi-arid Mediterranean climate with cold winters. The average annual temperature is 15°C. The hottest month is July (average monthly temperature at 26.1° C) and the coldest month is January (average monthly temperature at 3.8°C). The average highest annual temperature is 20.2°C and the average lowest is 9.0°C. The absolute lowest and the absolute highest annual temperature are –17.6°C (January) and 42.8°C (July) respectively. The average annual rainfall in the period 1971–1992 is 444.6 mm, while the rainy days throughout the year are 87. The driest month is September with an average rainfall of 21.0 mm and the rainiest is November with an average rainfall of 51.9 mm. Snowfall is observed between November and March and the average snowy days are 4. Hail in the area is a very rare phenomenon, while the average annual frosty days are 25. The relative humidity in the area is 64.7%.
The area is not subject to the influence of strong north winds, because it is protected by Mount Kerkini (Belasitsa). The most prevailing winds are southern and appear at a rate of 8.8%, while less frequent are the western and eastern winds that appear at a rate of 7.4% and 7.4% respectively. In general, the force of the winds blowing in the area is not higher than 8 Beaufort and there is a high rate of still air (53.3%).

Този сайт е разработен с финансовата подкрепа на Европейския съюз и Република България в рамките на проект "Маркетинг на дестинация за устойчив туризъм Беласица" (BG 2005/017-456.01-03), изпълнен от Пирински туристически форум в партньорство с Екологична асоциация "Планетум" – Струмица Изложените в него възгледи са на Пирински туристически форум и по никакъв начин не отразяват официалната позиция на Европейския съюз.
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